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Internationally successful encaustic artist Birgit Hüttemann-Holz walks you through the ancient art of hot-wax painting. Learn the basics, step by step—materials and supplies, encaustic mediums and coloring agents, and surfaces like canvas or textured substrates. Following her guidance, discover how to apply hot liquid wax and fuse it using tools like a hot air gun or propane torch to achieve the various effects. Included are detailed photos that present the entire spectrum of encaustic: smooth and textured surfaces, scraping and relief imprinting techniques, accretion, working with palette knives and collages, and even special techniques like accents with metal leaf or organic materials. Find inspiration from a gallery section of art by eleven top encaustic artists. Whether you are just beginning or are looking for easy-to-follow instructions to enhance your work, this indispensable guide shows the myriad possibilities for artistic design with encaustic art. Author: Birgit Huttemann-Holz 128pp., 8.5x9.88 paperback ISBN: 9780764354168

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